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Friday, October 31, 2008

Hey dudes!Here's everything about Temari,who is my number one favourite character in Naruto Shippuden and is the NUMBER ONE HOTTEST character in Shippuden AND the person who battled Shikamaru in the Chunin selection exams.



15 years old(born August 23)
15 years old(born August 23)
157.3 cm
98.1 lbs
44.5 kg
Type O
Type O
Genin(entry-level ninja)
Genin(entry-level ninja)
"Sharpen your kama at sunset."

Tara Platt
Romi Paku
Episode 20
Episode 20
· · ·
Naruto Hurricane Chronicles
Naruto Shippuuden

Character Description: Temari
Previous Page Top of Page

Temari is the oldest child out of her siblings, Kankuro and Gaara of the Desert. She can be very arrogant and over-confident of her abilities, though she does have some very strong attacks.
She carries around a large fan which can create large wind jutsus. As well she can summon Kamaitachi, a powerful summon that can level an entire forest in one attack.
Temari comes from the Village Hidden in the Sand. Apparently she likes Shikamaru.

Character Description: Temari
Previous Page Top of Page

When Temari comes into the show in episode 20, she is indeed 15 years old, but after the two and a half year gap in the show in what is known as "Naruto 2", she is then 18 and at the rank of Jounin.
Temari is the daughter of the Kazekage of the Village Hidden in the Sand which is also known and Sunagakure No Sato. She carries a large metal fan which she uses in her ninja attacks, like her summoning which we first see when she comes to Shikamaru's aid during the battle with the Sound 5 when Shikamaru Nara is sent with others to retrieve Act of Sasuke. She summons Kamatari, a Kamaitachi or "Cutting Weasel". Her true Summoning attack is Kuchiyose: Kirikiri Mai (Summoning: Quick Beheading Dance). Temari, Naruto, and Tenten are the only genin that can do Summonings. She and Shikamaru were fighting against Tayuya who was the weakest of the Sound 5 group.
During the 2 1/2 year gap between the original Naruto series and Naruto Shippuden, Temari becomes a Jounin, and she seems to be a link or a "liaison" between The Leaf Village and The Sand village.

9:58 PM

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Last but not least,here's a special profile on Kyuubi,the demon nine-tailed fox living in Naruto.


Nine Tails Demon Fox
Nine Tails Demon Fox
· · ·


Crazed demon fox
Crazed demon fox


Tesshô Genda


Character Description: Kyuubi
Previous Page Top of Page

Kyuubi is a demon fox. Where he came from no one knows. He came to the Leaf Village 12 years ago and destroyed most of it. His tail could cause earthquakes and tsunami's. His chakara ("chakra" in the English version) is everlasting and very powerful. It was when the 4th Hokage sealed the Demon Fox inside a young boy as a vessel and thus died. This boy is Naruto Uzumaki who contains the demon fox, though he doesn't realize it.
Naruto grew up lonely and many of the villagers treated him cruelly just because of this. Naruto, however, does find out about this extra chakra during the fight with Zabuza and Haku, when Haku "kills" Sasuke. The chakara of the Demon Fox seeps out of Naruto easily overpowering Haku. Later, Naruto tries to tap into these vast resources with the help of Jiraiya.
Naruto does see Kyuubi in a dream-type thing and tells his that in exchange for staying in his body, the demon fox must give Naruto his chakara. However, Kyuubi laughs at the idea that Naruto has the guts to threaten him. Though the demon fox does agree, because if Naruto dies, he dies. Whenever Naruto experiences extreme amounts of emotion, the nine tail fox demon's chakara is released.

5:10 AM

Hey dudes!Here's a profile on mysterious akatsuki member Tobi...


Madara Uchiha
Madara Uchiha(うちはマダラ)
· · ·
Obito Uchiha(possibly)
Obito Uchiha(うちはマダラ)(possibly)



Akatsuki Member
Akatsuki Member
"Tobi is a good boy"
"Tobi is a good boy"

Shippuden Episode 32
Shippuden Episode 32

Character Description: Tobi
Previous Page Top of Page

Tobi is a mysterious individual and is an associate of Zetsu, whom he has been an associate of for an unknown time.
When Akatsuki member Akasuna No Sasori was killed, Tobi was very eager to get his ring and replace him. And in turn, he found it with Zetsu's help and was eventually allowed to become a member of the Akatsuki Organization. He was assigned to work with Deidara, and was given the task of capturing the Three Tailed Bijju, Sanbi. He shares a testy relationship with Deidara.
After this event, Tobi and Deidara's screen time and importance in the main plot was limited until Deidara picked a fight with Uchiha Sasuke. Deidara kept Tobi on the sidelines until he was needed to place clay mines. Then Deidara told Tobi to flee, since he was using his C4 attack, Tobi was supposedly caught in the crossfire and killed.
Akatsuki's leader remarked that Tobi was easily replaceable. However, later on, Pein is seen ordered to capture the Kyuubi. The figure is none other than Tobi, who was speaking in a rather ominous and more serious voice. It is also revealed that his right eye is a Sharingan (chapter 395 of the manga), and he claims to have "the power of Uchiha Madara", who is the founder of the Uchiha Clan. And while this in itself doesn't necessarily mean that his is actually Madara, in chapter 397, page 16, Tobi flat-out states that his is in fact Madara.
He seems to be interested in Uchiha Sasuke's Sharingan, but his true motives are as of yet unknown.

5:07 AM

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Here are a few cool pictures.(Click on the 2nd last picture.)

10:29 PM

Here's a profile on the powerful and mysterious ex-member of the Sound Five(now Sound Four since he left),Kimimaro Kaguya.

Kimimaro Kaguya
Kimimaro Kaguya


15 years old
15 years old
Silvery gray
Silvery gray
Light green
Light green
166.1 cm
110 lbs
49.8 kg
Ex-Commander of Sound Five
Ex-Commander of Sound Five
"My mission is to protect Orochimaru-sama and his ambition."
"My mission is to protect Orochimaru-sama and his ambition."

Toshiyuki Morikawa


Character Description: Kimimaro Kaguya
Previous Page Top of Page

Kimimaro is the last of the Kaguya clan, a group of ninja said to be extremely bloodthirsty and war-loving. Even then, Kimimaro was born so unnaturally strong that he was locked away in a cell for much of his young life by his own people. When the less-than-sane clan decided to attack Hidden Mist village, Kimimaro was finally let out of his cage and given a purpose... to kill those of Mist. But the need to destroy wasn't enough to ensure victory for this clan of ninjas, and they were completely wiped out, all but Kimimaro.
Alone and abandoned once again in the world, the young boy wandered in the wilds until he was picked up by Orochimaru. Having watched the massacre of Mist village, the evil Sennin knew he had found himself a weapon worthy of honing. And the lonely child was completely taken in by the man's manipulative kindness, pledging his life to his Orochimaru-sama.
Given the Earth cursed seal and made the leader of the Sound Five, Kimimaro was instrumental in the preparations for the attack on Konoha village. But in the last minute, he was suddenly overwhelmed by a mysterious illness and unable to assist during the attack. Kabuto cruelly laments this as part of the reason they ultimately failed in their attack.
Kimimaro, despite being put on life support, felt as if he had failed the man who had given him purpose in life. Originally tapped to be Orochimaru's next body, Kimimaro could no longer serve the purpose and now his only wish before dying was to see that the man he served would get what he wants. And what he wanted was Uchiha Sasuke for his next container.
Dragging himself out off his deathbed, the young man stopped Naruto and Shikamaru from taking Sasuke back. Fighting first Naruto, then Lee, Kimimaro's superior experience and ability to use his whole skeleton as a weapon was more than either one could handle. Literally able to mold and then remove bones from his body to use as blades, his style of fighting was both grotesque and disquieting to those who faced him. Yet, he was not without honor, as when Lee asked for a time out to take his medication, Kimimaro actually stepped back from a strike.
Only when Gaara arrived did Kimimaro finally meet his match. With his body weakening and knowing he would not last long, his only hope of stopping his opponents was to release the second level of his cursed seal completely. Despite that, he was still unable to kill Gaara and was finally dragged by the sand deep underground to be crushed. Using his last bit of energy, Kimimaro created a field of spiny bone spikes in an attempt to spear his enemies. Gaara managed to escape with Lee in tow but Kimimaro had one last attack.
Unfortunately for him, at that moment his body gave out and the boy who fought so hard for a man who saw him as no more than another stepping stone to his own selfish goals, died. Orochimaru, upon the news of Kimimaro's death, only commented simply that he did not matter anymore. It was Sasuke that he was waiting for.
In Japanese, Kimi means "without equal" and Maro means "myself". Of course, Kimi could also mean various other things, and maro could just be typical suffix.

10:24 PM

Next....Kiba's profile!

Character Profile: Kiba Inuzuka
Updated Wednesday, January 2, 2008
USA Info
Japanese Info
Kiba Inuzuka
Kiba Inuzuka


12 years old(born July 7)
12 years old(born July 7)
151.2 cm
95.5 lbs(source: Shonen Jump's Naruto Anime Profiles)
43.3 kg(source: Shonen Jump's Naruto Anime Profiles)
Type B
Type B
Genin(entry-level ninja)
Genin(entry-level ninja)
Kyle Hebert
Kousuke Toriumi
Episode 1: Enter: Naruto Uzamaki!
Episode 1: Enter: Naruto Uzamaki!
· · ·
Naruto Hurricane Chronicles
Naruto Shippuuden

Character Description: Kiba Inuzuka
Previous Page Top of Page

Kiba is a Genin competing with along with Naruto and the other Genins. His dog, Akamaru, is his best friend, as well as being very useful in battle.
Kiba is on Hinata and Shino's team (the Jounin is Kurenai). He has a fierce and competitive attitude, similar to Naruto's.
Note: Although Kiba's hair appears to be black when he has his hood up, it is actually brown, which we can clearly see when his hood is down.

10:12 PM

Hey everyone!Today,we're gonna have a special couples profile edition!Kiba's and akamaru's profile will be published on my blog today!Akamaru is up first.Enjoy!



3-4 years old(part 1), 6 years old(part 2)(born July 7th)
3-4 years old(part 1), 6 years old(part 2)(born July 7th)

29.1 cm
11.7 lbs
5.3 kg
Kiba's Dog
Kiba's Dog

Jamie Simone
Junko Takeuchi

· · ·
Naruto Hurricane Chronicles
Naruto Shippuuden

Character Description: Akamaru
Previous Page Top of Page

Akamaru is the dog of Kiba Inuzuka and his best friend, when Akamaru and Kiba work together they are a strong team. Akamaru can pick up the scent of enemies and determinate whether they're hostile or not, and can feel the opponent's chakra and to determine how strong it is.
Kiba almost always uses Akamaru in the fights. They do techniques such as the "Beast Human Clone" and "Double Wolf Fang". Akamaru also has the ability to "acid pee".
In Part II, Akamaru's grown, and now Kiba can ride on his back.

10:02 PM

Hey dudes!Here's everything about one of the HOTTEST characters in Naruto,Kurenai Yuhi.

Kurenai Yuhi
Kurenai Yuuhi


27 years old(born June 11)(source: Shonen Jump Naruto Anime Profiles)
27 years old(born June 11)(source: Shonen Jump Naruto Anime Profiles)
170 cm
120 lbs.
54.4 kg
Type AB
Type AB

"I'm a sexy big sister type!"
Mary Elizabeth McGlynn

Episode 3
Episode 3

Character Description: Kurenai Yuhi
Previous Page Top of Page

Yuuhi Kurenai is a rookie Jounin of Konohagakure. Her squad, also known as Team 8, consists of Hyuuga Hinata, Inuzuka Kiba and Aburame Shino. She specialises in both tracking and Genjutsu. She graduated from the Ninja Academy at the age of 9, and became a Chuunin at age 13. She tends to favour Hinata over the rest of her team, because of how her father sees her as.
Kurenai is the overseer of Hinata Hyuuga, Shino Aburame, and Kiba Inuzuka in the Genin Team 8. Although a new Jounin herself, she is an expert in Genjutsu, or illusion ninja techniques. She spends a lot of time with fellow Jounin Asuma Sarutobi, and it is strongly suggested that she has a romantic relationship with him, especially after the two year time gap. The last we see of her is when Shikamaru comes to tell her that Asuma passed away during a mission, where she breaks down and cries.
Kurenai trained a girl named Yakumo. Yakumo put all of Team 8 and Naruto and Sakura in a genjustu world that looked similar to Konohagure, but Konohagure was demolished. Soon after they learned that Yakumo had made the world and try to stop her.
Naruto was the first one to wake up and he shook the others awake. They went to the place were Yakumo was hiding. They had a little trouble getting there, but Naruto managed to get through. Kurenai was in the room with half her body disappeared and Yakumo had a painting, which was Kurenai. Naruto managed to persuade her that she wasn't alone. Yakumo realized that the Hokage hadn't set flame to her house and claimed her parents' life. The demon within her, the person who makes the genjustu, had set flame.
After she had given some hope in Kurenai, the demon had come from within her and also persuaded her that Kurenai wanted to kill her and that Yakumo shouldn't spare Kurenai's life. But Naruto wouldn't let that happen so he started forward but got stuck in the demon's helping hands. Or just very big hands that held Naruto by the arms. Then out of the blue, Yakumo used her glazer to kill the demon and conquer her fears.
In the end, Yakumo learns that Kurenai, when she did the seal for Yakumo's ridiculous genjustu, was only trying to protect her. And Kurenai decides to go back to Team 8.
Hints, throughout the anime and the manga, have been seen showing Kurenai and her fellow Jounin, Asuma Sarutobi, having mutual affection for each other, Kurenai even crying at Asuma's death, and being one of the few to put flowers on his grave after the funeral.
In Chapter 342 of the manga we find out that Kurenai is pregnant.

3:12 AM

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

EVERYTHING about Rock Lee,one of my favourite characters in Naruto.

Rock Lee
Rock Lee

Thick Brows
· · ·
Bushy Brow(by Naruto)
Fuzzy Brows(by Naruto)
13 years old(born November 27)
13 years old(born November 27)
5'2"(source: 3rd DVD box set)
158.5 cm(source: 3rd DVD box set)
· · ·
5'8"(Shippuden)(source: Shippuden character reference volume 2)
172 cm(Shippuden)(source: Shippuden character reference volume 2)
103 lbs
46.7 kg
Type A
Type A
Genin(entry-level ninja)
Genin(entry-level ninja)
"I will protect my ninja way!"

Brian Donovan
Yoichi Masukawa

· · ·
Naruto Hurricane Chronicles
Naruto Shippuuden

Character Description: Rock Lee
Previous Page Top of Page

Rock Lee is the epitome of hard work and determination.
For many years, this youth with little to no promise continued in his training to someday become a ninja--despite the fact that no one really believed he could ever succeed. He had no skill in controlling his life force (chakra), and therefore couldn't perform even the most basic of ninja techniques. Even his hand-to-hand combat skills were below average.
Yet, after training those hand-to-hand skills for years with heart and focus, Rock Lee has become one of the better known genin in Hidden Leaf Village. He only knows taijutsu (hand-to-hand), but his skills are considerably tough to handle...the speed his body is able to maintain is unnerving, as is his iron will to succeed.
Lee is the spitting image of his young sensei (Gai, the rival of Kakashi); he idolizes the man. His intensity and excitement with his training spread to all aspects of his life (which you can imagine makes him an interesting character to watch). His rosy red cheeks and large, round eyes give away whatever emotion he feels instantly.
An innocent and sweet kid at heart, Lee is on a team of three with a girl weapon specialist named Tenten, and a famed genius of a specialized hand-to-hand combat style, Hyuuga Neji. Neji's fatalistic nature and constant mockery of Lee reinforce the boy's determination to prove himself.
It is this determination that makes Rock Lee great. After years of being taunted by everyone, Lee is willing to destroy himself to prove one thing: that if a person is determined enough, they can overcome any trial.
Lee goes into a drunken frenzy whenever he takes even a small sip of sake. He basically can't have any ever since he ruined a restaurant at one point after the smallest sip. The whole entire event of being in the restaurant was with Gai and was meant as a celebration for Lee's accomplishment of Primary Lotus.
Rock Lee has another fighting style that is seen later on in the series (after the Fifth Hokage arrives). Lee ends up in a fight with Kimimaro and just as it seems hopeless for Lee to win, he drinks a so-called medicine given to him by Gai-sensai. A few seconds later Lee is drunker than Jiraiya at a frat party. At first Kimimaro couldn't figure out why he was having a hard time fighting Lee until he took a wiff of what was in the bottle: sake.
Gai explains to the Fifth Hokage that Lee knows the Drunken Fist Style. Apparently, Gai took his squad to a restaruant to celebrate and during that time Lee accidently drank Gai's sake instead of water. Lee then trashed the restaruant and when Gai woke up he and Neji tried to restrain him. Gai realized that he can secretly give Lee a bottle of sake in order to unleash his drunken fury.
Lee is also called "The Green Beast of the Leaf" by American fans, and called "The Green Beast of Konoha" by Japanese fans.
A Naruto Profiles book states that Tenten and Neji are 13 years old. Kabuto states that Rock Lee is a year older than the Rookie 9Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, Kiba, Hinata, Shino, Shikamaru, Ino, Chouji, who are all 12 years old at the start of the show, making Rock Lee 13. Now, a Naruto Collector's Guide also says that Rock Lee is a year younger than his teammates, which would seem to make him 12 or them 14, and thus kick up a contradiction. However, this is not necessarily the case.
We do usually talk about ages in years, even though not everyone is exactly one year apart in age. So if someone is 13 years old and someone else is 14 years old, we would typically say that one is a year older than the other, even though they might only be a few months apart in age with the 13 year old having not yet had his or her birthday. This is likely the situation we are seeing here, especially considering the characters birth months: Lee's is November, Neji's is July, and Tenten's is March. Lee is younger than his teammates, but only by months, not an entire year.
It can also be the case that the Naruto Collector's Guide is listing character ages from a year after the show's debut, which would make everyone a year older. Of course, to make things even more confusing, Naruto Anime Profiles, Volume 1: Episodes 1-37 lists Tenten, Neji, and Rock Lee as all being 14 years old.
Character Description: Rock Lee
Previous Page Top of Page

Rock Lee is a genin, but is determined to protect his ninja way. He mainly wants to protect his way because he has been known as a hot-blooded drop-out since he was 6. With no gen-jutsu or nin-jutsu skill he trains hard to master tai-jutsu (hand-to-hand combat). Lee has amazing speed, as seen in episode 49.
Rock Lee is the only chuunin or genin who can perform the Lotus of Kohnoha. This move requires 3 gates to be opened, the first gate releasing the brain's control on muscle strain, then the life gate giving the user more stamina, and finally the healing gate putting less strain on the user's muscles. If all 8 chakra gates are opened the user will suffer death. As seen in the episode, Lee opened 5 gates, the last being the forest gate. This nearly killed him, but to make it worse Gaara destroyed his left leg and arm. Lee hopes to avenge Neji his arch rivalry, for Neji was always better and showed-off and put Lee down.

11:12 PM

Hi everyone!Sorry i did not post for so long my comp. was malfunctioning and it still is now...anyway,here is everything about Akatsuki's current leader,Pein.





Type A
Type A
Leader of the Akatsuki
Leader of the Akatsuki
"You're late. Prepare yourselves."
"You're late. Prepare yourselves."
Dave Wittenburg

Episode 135
Episode 135

Character Description: Pain
Previous Page Top of Page

Pein's real name is Nagato, and his kekkei genkai is called the Rinnegan eye, a form of Doujutsu. He is in his forties and has this special jutsu that allows him to have 7 bodies. It's not the shadow clone jutsu, though. This jutsu allows him to control seven different bodies with his mind. It was originally six bodies but another one was discovered in the manga.
In the episodes and the manga it's said that he uses the rain to sense his opponent's chakra or presence. He kills Jiraiya with this six body technique too. All the members in the Akatsuki refer to him as a god because of his Kage-like strength. Pein also has another form other than the one he's in now. The form he is in now is not his own. He is using the form of his old dead teammate named Yahiko, who died in the Rain Village war. Nagato assumed his form and said that Yahiko was dead. He kept building up his Doujutsu and started to go by the name of Pein.
Pein and Konan had been teammates back in their Genin days in the Rain Village. They had Yahiko on their team as well. Jiraiya had come to the village many many years ago to help the Rain with the war they were about to undergo and took a liking to the three and helped them train. Jiraiya had seen that Nagato had a special ability that was known as the Rinnegan eye and helped him develop it as much as he could.
After Yahiko was killed by a rock ninja, Pein gathered a few other Rain ninja, including Konan, and started a war with a man named Sanshuoo no Hanzou. (I'm guessing he was the current leader of the Hidden Rain village.) Pein eventually killed Hanzou including all of his friends, family, associates, and eventually the whole village, for this was the dream of Yahiko before he was killed. After a while, Pein and Konan decided to go to Madrara Uchiha, the current leader and founder of the Akatsuki Organization. They became members of the Akatsuki and eventually, after Madrara died, Pein became leader.

Character Description: Pain
Previous Page Top of Page

Pein (pronounced like "pain") is the infamous leader of the Akatsuki organization. His major goal is extracting Demons out of their hosts. Some rumors have spread among fans of the show that the fourth is the leader, but this is untrue.
His partner, the unnamed member, was revealed to be named Konan, and is the only one in the Akatsuki who refers to him by name. His Kekkei Genkai is the strongest by far, giving him god-like powers, and is rarely inactive.
Interestingly enough, Pein actually has six bodies! They all share the same consciousness, so he can coordinate all six of them as if they were one person.

11:08 PM

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Here's Sasori of the Red Sand's info!

Sasori of the Red Sand
Akasuna no Sasori("Sasori of the Red Sand")


Originally human, now a puppet
Originally human, now a puppet
35 years old
35 years old
· · ·



S-ranked criminal
S-ranked criminal


Episode 135(anime), Chapter 248(manga)
Episode 135(anime), Chapter 248(manga)

Character Description: Sasori of the Red Sand
Previous Page Top of Page

Sasori used to be a part of the hidden village of the sand. He is a puppeteer and obsesses with his battle puppets. He created the puppets Kankurou uses, Karusu, Kuroari, and Sanshouuo. His partner is Deidara, and he works with Akatsuki. He works very well with puppets. There really isn't much known about him.
Sasori himself isn't exactly a human; he turned himself into a puppet. He has a talisman on his chest, and it reads 'Sasori,' meaning scorpion. Inside of it is his chakra, letting him move his body.
Sasori, and only he himself, is able to make human-puppets. Human-puppets were originally humans, but Sasori would kill them, extract everything inside, and rebuild it, making the deceased human a puppet. (That explained why he isn't a human above.)
During his usual combat, Sasori 'wears' one of his favorite puppets, Hiruko. This keeps his true self from being damaged. He has a collection of 298 human-puppets, as he mentioned in his fight with Sakura and Chiyo (grandma).
He and his partner, Deidara, would argue over what true art was. Deidara believed that art was very explosive and ended quickly (like his exploding clay birds), while Sasori believed art was something that would last forever (like his puppets).
Sasori is also 35 years old. He was Orochimaru's partner before Orochimaru left Akatsuki, which took place right after Itachi got there, or 4 years ago. He left Suna twenty years ago, and had been part of the Akatsuki for 11 years before Itachi arrived.

11:54 PM

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Here's everything about Neji Hyuuga,one of the most powerful Konohagakure jonin.

Neji Hyuuga
Neji Hyuuga(ネジ 日向)

· · ·
Neji Hyuga(alternate spelling)


13 years old(at start of series)(born July 3)
13 years old(at start of series)(born July 3)
Dark Brown
Dark Brown
5'2"(source: collector's card says Neji is the same height as Rock Lee)
158.5 cm(source: collector's card says Neji is the same height as Rock Lee)
· · ·
5'8"(Shippuden)(source: Shippuden character reference volume 2)
172 cm(Shippuden)(source: Shippuden character reference volume 2)
101.4 lbs
Type O
Type O
Genin(entry-level ninja)
Genin(entry-level ninja)
"Fate cannot be changed."

Steve Stanley
Kouichi Toochika

· · ·
Naruto Hurricane Chronicles
Naruto Shippuuden

Character Description: Neji Hyuuga
Previous Page Top of Page

Neji's team members are Tenten and Rock Lee, and his instructor is Gai sensei. Neji hates when they talk about the head family of Hyuuga being better than the branch family of Hyuuga.
Neji is not only talented but also good looking too. Neji's most powerful jutsu is Byakugan. Using that jutsu, he can see where your chakra flows and can easily damage his opponents. Neji is one to fear. He is a Konoha genius ninja.
When Neji uses his Byakugan he is assumed to have a 360° vision of his surroundings. As such, he usually compares the 8 birds to how much he can really see. Before he meets Naruto, he always sees 7 birds with his Byakugan, but when he turns around, there is an 8th bird. The symbolism lies in that there is still something Neji can't see. During a fight in episode 117, he sees 8 birds using his byakugan. He finally can see what Naruto was talking about when it came to changing fate and the like.
Neji actually defeats Kodomaru (the spider person), after getting the courage from Naruto.
The style Neji uses to fight is based on the Chinese Yin Bagua Zhang (Eight-Diagram-Palm). This style was previously taught in the forbidden palace in Bejing. Also it uses the number eight a lot, which is what Ba means. In one episode, he holds his hands exactly the way it is taught for Yin-style Piercing Palms.
Neji's Height
Apparently a collector's card states that Neji is the same height as Rock Lee (which the third DVD box set lists as 158.5cm, and that converts to 5'2.4"), while some other ninja rank card lists Neji's height as 159cm (5'2.6"). If you have a scan or image for either one of these, please contact me.
A Naruto Profiles book states that Tenten and Neji are 13 years old. Kabuto states that Rock Lee is a year older than the Rookie 9Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, Kiba, Hinata, Shino, Shikamaru, Ino, Chouji, who are all 12 years old at the start of the show, making Rock Lee 13. Now, a Naruto Collector's Guide also says that Rock Lee is a year younger than his teammates, which would seem to make him 12 or them 14, and thus kick up a contradiction. However, this is not necessarily the case.
We do usually talk about ages in years, even though not everyone is exactly one year apart in age. So if someone is 13 years old and someone else is 14 years old, we would typically say that one is a year older than the other, even though they might only be a few months apart in age with the 13 year old having not yet had his or her birthday. This is likely the situation we are seeing here, especially considering the characters birth months: Lee's is November, Neji's is July, and Tenten's is March. Lee is younger than his teammates, but only by months, not an entire year.
It can also be the case that the Naruto Collector's Guide is listing character ages from a year after the show's debut, which would make everyone a year older. Of course, to make things even more confusing, Naruto Anime Profiles, Volume 1: Episodes 1-37 lists Tenten, Neji, and Rock Lee as all being 14 years old, as does the official Naruto website!
Character Description: Neji Hyuuga
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Neji is the young prodigy of the Hyuuga clan, known to be the strongest clan in all of Konoha. The title of most powerful clan belonged once to the Uchiha clan--but then that clan was almost totally wiped out, leaving only Sasuke. One of the great reasons for the Hyuuga clan's strength is the secret technique they have passed down through the ages: the Byakugan.
Byakugan is a special ninja technique which enhances the eyes of its user, in order to allow them to see the minute details of your movements. Highly-developed Byakugan can also allow the users to see the chakra (life force) flowing in the body, and to see the spots in the body that control these forces. With the advantage of seeing these spots, a Hyuuga is able to use Jyuuken, a martial arts style which involves channeling your own life force through attacks at another, in order to critically damage his opponent.
Neji is a particularly gifted Byakugan user who is capable of freezing a person's movement in one strike, or completely shutting down the flow of energy in their body with a precision combo.
Despite this strength, however, Neji also has a strong belief that fate cannot be changed, and that his has been chosen already. He constantly mocks those who fight against fate (especially Naruto and his teammate Rock Lee), yet he fails to notice that he himself is silently fighting his own fate. His hatred of his own position in the grand scheme of the Hyuuga clan is noted early and often, and his frustration with fate drives his training.
The intensity of Neji's pupil-less stare when using the Byakugan is fitting for his personality...completely focused on his goals, and truly uncaring for the opinions of others. He locks his eyes onto the object of his desire, and strikes with precision at the first opportunity. He is a genius and a hard-worker...quite the hard combination to beat.
During the Chuunin exams, more specifically episodes 60 to about 64, Neji realizes what Naruto and Lee say is true: that fate can be changed. He is told the history of his family's past, and realizes that his father CHOSE to die, so that he could for once choose something with his own free will. Neji then gives up his grudge against the Hyuuga Head Family, and becomes closer to Hinata's father, while at the same time, becoming a better friend to Naruto. The biggest hint towards their growing friendship is when Neji says "Naruto, you have better eyes than I do," and later on says, "There is someone who can find Sasuke, and save him from the darkness... He can save him! Because... Naruto... You... saved me from darkness," in episode 117

12:48 AM

Everything about Itachi Uchiha,Sasuke Uchiha's brother and sworn enemy.

Itachi Uchiha
Itachi Uchiha(うちは イタチ)


Uchiha clan
Uchiha clan
17 years old(source: NARUTO秘伝・闘の書)(born June 9)
17 years old(source: NARUTO秘伝・闘の書)(born June 9)
Black(normally, from episode 85), red(sharingan)
Black(normally, from episode 85), red(sharingan)
173 cm
125.9 lbs
57.1 kg
Type AB
Type AB
Akatsuki member, ANBU squad captain
Akatsuki member, ANBU squad captain
"Foolish little brother... you can't kill me, your hate's not strong enough... you're not strong enough. That's right, live in shame, run away, and live"
"Foolish little brother... If you wish to kill me, hate me, detest me... and survive in an unsightly way. Run. Run and cling to life"(play clip)
Skip Stellrecht(episodes 29-30)
Hideo Ishikawa
· · ·
Crispin Freeman(Episodes 81+)

Episode 29(voice only)
Episode 29(voice only)
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Episode 81
Episode 81
Character Description: Itachi Uchiha
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Itachi is Sasuke's older brother and these two are the only ones left in the Uchiha clan. The entire clan was murdered by Itachi about four years prior to the start of the series. Itachi seemed to hold a grudge against his clan and the only reason he gave for his crime was he wanted to test his strength.
He succeeded in killing everyone except Sasuke. He left his little brother alive, telling him:
"Foolish little brother... you can't kill me, your hate's not strong enough... you're not strong enough. That's right, live in shame, run away, and live."
Sasuke has done this, living only to avenge his family and become strong enough to kill Itachi. However, killing Itachi is not going to be easy. Itachi at age seven was already a ninja, at eight had mastered the Sharingan (a special ability of the Uchiha), and at 13 had destroyed an entire tribe. He was able to stand up to Kurenai, Asuma, and Kakashi (all of whom are the highest ranking ninjas, and Kakashi being Sasuke's sensei). He was also able to defeat Orochimaru who is said to be one of the most powerful ninjas of Leaf Village.
Once he killed his family, he fled from the Leaf Village and joined a terrorist organisation called Akatsuki and quickly became a top member. He has returned to Leaf Village on a mission to kidnap Naruto so they can use the demon inside him. His strongest attack is the Mangekyou Sharingan which is the ability to enter another's mind and make them feel anything you want. For example, when fighting Kakashi, Itachi forces Kakashi to feel as if he is being stabbed with katanas for 72 hours in only a matter of seconds. This leaves Kakashi unconcious for several days.
In manga chapter 393, Itachi almost killed Sasuke with his susano technique, but collapsed when he was about to finish Sasuke off. He is presumed deceased.

Character Description: Itachi Uchiha
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Itachi's ninja level is unknown, though he was described by Asuma as an S-ranked criminal. He graduated top of his Academy class at age seven, had mastered the Sharingan by age eight, became a Chuunin at ten, and was previously an ANBU squad leader at the age of only 13. Now 17, he is feared even by Orochimaru. He left the Leaf Village some years ago, after destroying all but Sasuke of the Uchiha clan.
After the death of the Third Hokage, he returns to the village and encounters Kurenai, Asuma, and Kakashi with his comrade, Hoshigaki Kisame. With no intention of letting them leave quietly, Asuma, Kurenai, and Kakashi fight them, but are very easily defeated by him.

Character Description: Itachi Uchiha
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I have done a lot of research and watched basically all of the anime series out there, thanks to Naruto Central and Naruto Fan, and I have a downloaded copy of all the manga issues. I have also done data research through various website and books including Wikipedia and Shonen Jump.
During this time, I found some new data "suggesting" that once a ninja goes rouge they are no longer classified as ranks such as a Chuunin, Jounin, Sanin, and the like, but are instead ranked by letter, graded by skill, criminal activities, and threat level. Then they are assigned a letter out of the following (please remember, this is just my theory):
Basically, losers who can only do stuff academy ninjas can, or aren't ninjas and have very low skills as a warrior.
Basically, a Genin or someone who has done a large amount of misdemeanors.
Chunin or someone who has done a lot of misdemeanors AND a few bigger stuff such as a murder and stuff.
Chunin or Jounin level, or someone who has done quite a bit or criminal activity such as murders and assassinations.
This is held in reserve for people of at least Jounin level and does major crimes without discrimination.
This is held in reserve to that of a major threat like someone capable of equaling a Kage and has done severe criminal activity like a lot of assassinations of major people and other TERRORIST-like activities.
This basically translates to a super S-Class, and relates to anyone who is at a level were they can take on multiple S-Class ninjas with ease.
Now this type of ranking system is also used in real life by military intel bureau and international crime management organizations. In both the manga and anime, many people, including Jiraiya in episode 81 and 82, feel that all of the members in Akatsuki are in fact "s-class". So, in conclusion, lets just say he is a major bad ass.

12:39 AM

Here's everything about sasuke uchiha,naruto uzumaki's number one rival.

Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke Uchiha(うちは サスケ)


12 years old(at debut)(source: NARUTO秘伝・闘の書)(born July 23)
12 years old(at debut)(source: NARUTO秘伝・闘の書)(born July 23)
Black/dark blue
Black/dark blue
Onyx(normally), Red(when using his sharingan)
Onyx(normally), Red(when using his sharingan)
4'11"(at debut; grows as series progresses)(source: 3rd DVD box set)
150.8 cm(at debut; grows as series progresses)(source: 3rd DVD box set)
93 lbs
About 42 kg
Type AB
Type AB
Genin(entry-level ninja, advances rank later on)
Genin(entry-level ninja, advances rank later on)
· · ·
"There are tons of things I dislike and I don't really like anything."

Yuri Lowenthal
Noriaki Sugiyama
Episode 1: Enter: Naruto Uzamaki!
Episode 1: Enter: Naruto Uzamaki!
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Naruto the Movie
Naruto the Movie
· · ·
Naruto Hurricane Chronicles
Naruto Shippuuden

Character Description: Sasuke Uchiha
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Sasuke is one of the top scorers of the ninja apprenticeship school and the top "Genin" (rookie/first-level ninja) of the Village Hidden in the Leaves. He is the sole remaining member of the Uchiha clan, a once powerful ninja clan of the village. He is very dark and serious, and is focused on nothing else but training to become a stronger ninja.
All of this is for one ultimate goal: revenge. His life's ambition is to grow powerful enough to kill "a certain man" (his older brother Itachi). As part of the Uchiha clan, Sasuke has higher "chakra" (spirit energy/chi). He also has a technique to blow fireballs from his mouth.
Also, as one of the Uchiha clan, he inherits the clan's Kekkei Genkai (or bloodline trait)--the Sharingan. He begins to unlock it in the fight with Haku (who himself was using a Kekkei Genkai) and it gradually gains strength as he learns to use it to track movements and observe ninjitsu techniques. It helps having a knucklehead like Naruto as a teammate. He doesn't like Naruto at first, but as they and Sakura learn to work as a team, he shows a surprising willingness to protect Naruto. It's the beginning of a pretty complex teammate/rival relationship, as each watches for the other but at the same time wants to become better than the other.
When Sasuke fought Naruto, they each use a powerful jutsu. Naruto use Rasengen and Sasuke uses Chidori. Chidori, also known as Raikiri (Lightning blade), is a jutsu taught to him by Kakashi.
We find out in manga issues 345-352 that Sasuke, in Shippuden, kills Orochimaru and forms a team called "Snake" from Orochimaru's other test subjects such as Jugo, Karin, and Suigetsu. Then they are to go find and kill Itachi who comments on how it's going to be a storm.
Sasuke's Height
The third DVD box set lists Sasuke's height as 150.8cm, while apparently there is a Sasuke card out there which lists his height as 151cm.
Character Description: Sasuke Uchiha
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Sasuke is one of the two surviving members of the Uchiha clan. This once-great clan in Konoha was killed off by Sasuke's older brother, Uchiha Itachi. When Sasuke demands a reason, Itachi told him he wanted to test his strength. After telling Sasuke to 'live in an unsightly way', Sasuke became cold and shut off his heart to others.
Being the prodigy that he is, Sasuke successfully activated his Sharingan when he was fighting Haku. His Sharingan eyes attracted the attention of an extremely dangerous S-ranked criminal, Orochimaru. Orochimaru gave Sasuke the cursed seal, because he wanted Sasuke's body after he truly became strong.
After watching Naruto become strong so quickly, Sasuke felt inferior and as if he hadn't gotten better at all. Orochimaru used this chance to send some of his shinobi (Sound Four) to bring Sasuke to him. Sasuke went willingly, because Orochimaru promised him power. Thus, Sasuke became a traitor of Konohagakure.

12:27 AM